Tuesday, April 6, 2010


My Senior Pastor started a 3-month Leave of Absence yesterday. She has had a rough time with personal issues, one in particular that I wouldn't ever want to face--the death of a grandchild. I haven't burned anything down yet, so that is all good.

The district has stepped in with some guest preachers, so I won't have that entire responsibility and we have a great staff. So that is all good.

So the questions is: Why am I feeling so stressed?

I know that part of it is working on my D.Min. writing. I have an entire research chapter due by July. Part of the problem is that I am bored with the topic. I know that getting a doctorate means that you become an "expert" on a topic, but I'm sick of reading about it and writing about it. Is this normal?

I was able to put it off during Lent because I was reading the entire Bible (thanks Brian). Now I have no excuse. I moved during Lent to a new house. No Excuse (well except for I can't find everything). I don't get a special day devoted to writing due to the Senior Pastor's absence. So, okay, I have one excuse....weak as it is.

I want to be outside, planting flower beds..............anything but writing. Whiny today aren't I??

1 comment:

mid-life rookie said...

So how's it going so far?