Friday, October 17, 2008


I spent time by the bed-side of a woman in a coma who died the next day. I don't know about you guys but it is hard to sit and talk to a person without any feedback. I know that it isn't my place to "fix" people but it is against my nature and it made me feel inadequate.


Sarah S-D said...

it is VERY hard.

but ministry of presence is for real.

i often didn't sit terribly long, in silence, alone with someone who was non-communicative. i'd say a prayer, offer gentle touch, sit quietly for awhile and then go. but it wouldn't have hurt to just be there even longer...

i hear ya.

mid-life rookie said...

me thinks you are supposing that you are the one acting in this situation. You are there. God's acting. Not your job to be adequate or not.