Monday, July 28, 2008

Too Quiet

I am keeping very busy with stuff at the new church but, at night, it is so quiet. It is going to be such a big change when Ryss goes to college, if this is any indication.

Plus, it doesn't help that it is over 100 outside, so being anywhere without air conditioning is a misery. So you start feeling trapped. Thank goodness that I head to Kansas on Friday, so this is almost over. Of course, she is already talking about doing it again next summer. I really hope that we can pull it off. She is getting summer studies stuff from Vanderbilt, so that might be another option.

Saturday, July 26, 2008


Today is my birthday. It was much better than the last couple of years, when I spent my birthday at church camp in 100+ temperatures with 900+ kids. However, it was a little lonley without Ryss.

My aunt came up and took me to dinner at P.F. Changs. It was nice. I'm really looking forward to having my daughter home. I am going to pick her up next Saturday, YIPPPEEEEE!

Friday, July 25, 2008

Philosophy of Spiritual Formation

I am supposed to write a paper about my philosophy of spiritual formation. I am sooooo procrasinating writing this paper.

Help get me motivated. Give me ideas.....something to work with. I have got a case of the blahs.

Monday, July 21, 2008

Home, Sweet, Home

It's kind of funny how fast you can "be at home" in a new place. I was very glad to get back "home" from Houston. Now granted, I really don't like Houston. It plays havoc with my allergies whenever I am down there, but it was so nice to get home. I think that it has to do with my daughter and my dogs. Of course, my daughter is still away at camp but my dogs are doing their best to keep me company.

I am in the middle of planning a Pet Blessing Service. We are having it conjunction with the last Dog wash of the season, sponsored by the SPCA. I'm not sure that I can conduct the service and bring my own dogs.....maybe one of them but not sure about all three. Of course, Ryss will be back in town by then so I can put her in charge of at least one of them.
One lady said, "I'm not sure than mine need blessed, do you offer exorcism's?"

Thursday, July 17, 2008


First of all, if you are a UM Pastor, you have been following the episcopal elections (or maybe not). I am fascinated in watching the numbers of the votes. It seems like if you only receive one vote after 5 ballots that you might go ahead and withdraw. But some don't, it is like they are going to hang on until the bitter end waiting for all the others to come to their senses.

Second, I heard that electric wind mill generators are not good for the environment. The man called them "Bird Cuisinart's". Now, I agree that they probably aren't the best thing for a bird to get whacked with, but I have spent hours watching them in New Mexico. My observation is that they move incredibly slow...... It is probably worse flying through the smog that our cars generate then a few windmills. Could be wrong, I often am, but it seems that we need to work on renewable energy.

Third, I have to give a pat on the back to my friend "J", who has spent the week listening to me...........I must seem like a loony bin escapee from a very, very dysfunctional family (I'm sane, I promise I am). It's funny what will come out of my mouth if I trust you, I seldom experience it because I really don't trust a lot of people. And it always surprises me when it happens because I will say anything. Poor, poor man!

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Guided Meditation

Well, the guided meditation seemed to go okay. At least, there were no audible groans from the participants. The funny thing is watching the men as they went through the exercise. Some of them could not keep their eyes closed but had to keep looking at the other men to make sure that THEIR eyes were closed.

I used the story of Jesus calming the water as the scripture for the meditation and spoke of the chaos that surrounds our busy lives. Ah well, I got something out of it even if no else did.

Quick Update

I'm busy studying in Houston this week. It always feels funny to leave everything behind and have all this time to myself (even if I spend the day surrounded by other students).

It hasn't been as lonely as it was last time. I have one of my old accountability group members staying in the same hotel, so we have spent some of our free time together. In fact, we got together last night with another member of the group that had been appointed to a church in the greater Houston area. We are having our own version of Holy Conferencing. I'm not sure that there was much talk that could be considered Holy but it was good to get together.

Today I'm leading a short Guided Meditation for the group (part of an assignment). It should be interesting to lead a group of men (I'm the only woman) through this exercise. I look at this way: if I can get this group to truly experience this, it will be quite an achievement......after all they are MEN AND PASTORS. (Is that sexist???)

Friday, July 11, 2008


I appeared before the Board of Ordained Ministry and they approved my "License to Preach" in Arkansas. Yippeee!!! I'm official. I have been burned so many times by the system that it was a little nerve racking, but I sailed through with no apparent problems.

My baby is leaving me tomorrow for three weeks to study Philosophy. I leave for one week to study Pastoral Leadership. Those two weeks back home without her are going to be very, very lonely. Hopefully, I will be too busy to miss her terribly bad, but I'm not counting on it.

Monday, July 7, 2008

First Sermon

My first sermon at the new church went extremely well. I am very happy with how well it was received. Now if I can do as well next time, I will be on a roll. I followed the advice of the Orientation Seminar and put quite a bit of my personal story in the sermon, so people could get to know me. It seemed to work. People really identified with my M&M addiction. :-)

Saturday, July 5, 2008

Happy 4th of July

Yesterday was a fun day, celebrating our country's 232nd birthday. The best part was that my daughter returned from a week-long mission trip to Memphis. I picked her up and we went straight to a BBQ at my uncles.

He had cooked baby-back ribs on the grill until they fell off the bones. It was great. And we sat around the kitchen table with friends, just visiting. Nice and relaxing.

Later, I loaded girl child into the car to head back into the city. We stopped by the river front and watched fireworks while listening to the symphony. Of course, I am not that familiar with the downtown area yet, so I didn't feel real comfortable wandering around in the dark. Which means that I found a nice parking lot where we could see everything and we sat in the car. I know, I know it is kind of cheating but it was still nice.

Today I have absolutely nothing planned, nothing, zip, nada, zilch. Which is a good thing because the girl is still sound asleep and I don't look to hear anything from her until around noon. (I do have to finish one book for my D.Min. seminar but I don't have to get out of my pajamas for that.)

We are both leaving next week-end for long excursions. She is going to the University of Kansas for her Philosophy camp and I am leaving for my D.Min. seminar in the exact opposite direction. Thank goodness for family. My aunt and uncle are driving her to her destination for me.

I have to appear before this district's Board of Ordained Ministry for my license interview on Tuesday. I am praying that all goes well. I'm thinking that if they moved me here from the state next door certainly they won't deny me my license. (keep fingers crossed)