Friday, August 29, 2008

Politically Incorrect

I'm sure that most of you have received tons of political emails from people that are incorrect, untrue and just plain biased (or worse, racist/sexist). It is easy to just click on the delete button and forget about it, but what do you do when it is a member of your congregation? And they are sending it out to other church members.....

Give me your insights!!


DogBlogger said...

You should submit this to Ask the Matriarch...

The Rebellious Rev said...

This is my biggest pet peeve of the political season. I have so far resisted the urge to respond one on one, or worse yet, hit the "reply all" button. I would love to send back an email about 1 John - about how "anyone who says he loves God, while hating a fellow believer, is a liar."