Monday, December 17, 2007

One Concern

To be near God is my happiness. The Lord God is my refuge.

(And it didn't hurt that I went back to bed after Ryss got on the school bus and slept until 10:30. Of course, I will be behind for the rest of the day but I feel so much better.)

My friend called last night. He had read my blog and thought that I must have been exaggerating about my day, especially about the advent wreath catching on fire. I assured him that it was all the literal truth. Nothing, including the Advent fire, was for comic effect. He gave me a suggestion about what to preach next Sunday something along the lines of this generation must die before the people can enter into the Holy land.....I decided better not.

I am too excited to be upset any longer....leaving on vacation next week.....going to the mountains....visiting God in the high places......they have had three feet of new powder in the last seven days....

My one and only concern this morning is the End of Year Reports that are supposed to be on DOVE (computer system from "the evil one"). They aren't there. How can I have them done before I leave on vacation if they aren't there?

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