Tuesday, December 25, 2007

Christmas Day

My Dad loaned her one of his guitar's. So she is trying to learn to play it too. Notice all the braids in her hair. I asked her who she was imitating. She said, "Mom, I'm finding my own personal style...I don't care how the other girls are dressed."
(Notice Luke closely watching her and Misti the cat trying to sneak in close. Lily is getting close to me, I think she isn't sure about all the noise.)

Ryss experimenting with her new violin.

My mom crocheted all of our Christmas ornaments. I love the fact that they are handmade and unbreakable, which is very important in my house.

We are packing. Getting reading to leave for the mountains tomorrow. Yippee!!

1 comment:

more cows than people said...

go ryss! define yourself!

have a marvelous trip!