Thursday, November 1, 2007

Bible Belt

I live in the "Bible Belt" supposedly, but you couldn't tell by a recent television poll. A local news station asked the following poll question; "Do you believe that the government should water-board if it can save lives?"

70% of the people responding said, "Yes", 22 % said "No", and 8% "Undecided". Where does Jesus advocate that the ends justify the means?

Please tell me that was an anomaly! Surely, that isn't the way that people truly feel?


mid-life rookie said...

Bible Belt doesn't mean they follow it, just quote the parts that fit their agenda.

Thoughts From Jeff said...

Not to be cynical but that number does not surprise me ESPECIALLY coming from Texas ...

For whatever reason, they love Mr. Bush and when Mr Bush reminds them of terrorist ready to kill you and we need information ....

Ooohhhhh, you are right, water-board someone/anyone please, to keep me safe.