Friday, November 30, 2007

Did It

Okay, I finally worked up the courage and sent in my Commissioning packet. Now I get to sit on tenterhooks for the next two months until I hear from my Triad. And then another month before the Grand Inquisition of the full conference BOM. I'm going to play Scarlett O'Hara and not think about it until tomorrow.

New couple came to help clean the church today. He put up all the outside lights. Amazing!!! We got everything cleaned and prepped for the "Hanging of the Greens" on Sunday. It wasn't the way that I like to spend my day off but it worked out okay.

The workers came and pulled up the Memorial Garden today. They did a great job and everyone should be happy with the result. I wish that the family that put it in had kept it up the way that they promised and I really, really wish that my little, old Trustee man had not hurt the family's feelings over the upkeep. The man that was called a "traitor" by my trustee has actually come back to the church. Small communities are amazing. They really are like great big families, fighting and forgiving.

Ryss is competing at the Regional UIL Band competition with her oboe. They are not expected back until 11 p.m. Way past my bedtime, not necessarily when I go to sleep but I hate having to sit up at the school in the dark waiting for the bus. Parents aren't allowed to go to this competition. Hmmmppphhhh (grouses the mom).

Just got off the phone with girl child.... she made the Regional Band, Second Chair. Okay, not so grumpy now. I remember when she first started playing it. It sounded like a duck call. I used to tease her that all the ducks were circling our place looking for water. That phase wasn't nearly as painful as when she first learned the violin. It sounded like she was torturing her cat. Of course, she was only five at the time.


Brian Vinson said...

Getting home at 11? I had an indoor soccer game this evening that started at 11 pm. :-(

And my wife teaches violin, and the violin students who are the worst are the teenagers who still sound like they are strangling cats.

more cows than people said...

Good for you on sending the packet in.

Blessings as you wait.