Wednesday, August 8, 2007


Today I had my D.Min. interview. It seemed to go very well and it looks like I will be admitted, pending approval of the committee. I hope that they let me know very soon so that I can be getting ready. I have to read eleven books prior to the classes. I ordered four of them from Amazon yesterday. So at least I can get started. Besides I like books, like a duck likes water, like .... well you get the idea.

Afterward, I had another District meeting. There are three different district events that I was supposed to attend. I only am making two out of the three. Because I had a six hour District training last week. I love that we are connectional but that was just getting a little too connected besides child has a competition to attend. And I am really trying to balance all the different demands on my life. I'm really getting good at combining things.

For instance, I went to the District meeting with my child in tow. That way we could buy school clothes in the same trip. It is self-defense. Gas prices are killing me.

In the next three months, my church has three big evangelism/ministry events that are starting up. It is a busy time but finally it feels as if the church is beginning to look outward and quit focusing on just themselves. I may be wrong and they are just storing everything up and it will all explode in my face but I am praying that we can move forward.

1 comment:

Angel Eyes said...

Well I have no idea what you're talking about but, The blog looks okay... I still think I could "spice" it up for you! Well i love you! Thanks for buying the Ice cream!
Yo Dautr!

P.S. Luke peed on your bed yesterday.... Just kidding!