Saturday, September 8, 2007


Just back from the State Hippology Contest. I am exhausted but it is my own fault. I volunteered to help with the stations test. This year it happened to be out in the barn (last year it was in an air conditioned room). It was a sauna but the kids had fun.

Our team won 3rd place in the Junior Division. Ryss won 4th place in the overall individual junior competition. Last year she was in the top 10, this year in the top five. I'm so proud of them because they made it even harder this year AND two of our team members are in their first year on the team. They had never been to a hippology contest.

I have to bake a cake for church tomorrow. Hmmmm.... Ryss probably needs experience in this. So she will bake a cake for church tomorrow. Cool! I'm going to sit in the recliner and supervise.

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